Casey Anthony speaks…do we care?

As I’m sure everyone has heard by now (it’s been all over the news all day), a video has surfaced on YouTube of Casey Anthony, speaking out in a “video diary,” about life after her acquittal.  She looks different, with short blonde hair and thick black eye glasses, but the things she says and the way in which she says them seem like classic Casey.

Click here to see the video.

Cheney Mason, one of Casey’s defense attorneys, spoke to WOFL-TV today and confirmed that the woman in the video is indeed Casey Anthony, but that she never intended for the video to be released.

“Casey has maintained some notes on her thoughts for personal use, especially for counseling. She did not release this video to YouTube and does not know how they got it. It could not have been legally obtained and was not authorized.”

The man who posted the video on YouTube called in to talk to Nancy Grace and said that he found the video online at a pay-per-view site and managed to download the video for free. He claims he did nothing illegal and that he did not hack into Casey Anthony’s computer.

Nancy Grace seems pretty positive that this video was released on purpose by Casey and/or her defense team as part of a PR stunt, but I’m not sure I’m entirely sold on that theory. I mean, one of the main things people are talking about with regard to this video is the fact that Casey doesn’t mention Caylee once. If this was a PR stunt, then they did a shitty job of portraying Casey as anything less than a sociopath monster, which I doubt is the look they would be going for. On the other hand, I’m not sure Casey has the smartest people behind her though, so I guess it is a possibility.

No matter how or why it was released, whether it was intentional or not, I think it was a pretty dangerous move. It looks like there are pictures in the background, and Casey clearly says someone’s name, although it’s edited out. I’m sure there will be people who will blow up the images in the background, and try their best to read Casey’s lips during the edited parts. People might be able to figure out where’s she’s hiding out, and who has been helping her. As much as I dislike Casey Anthony, I wouldn’t want anyone to go and physically harm her.

Quite honestly, no matter how the video came into existence, I don’t even care, and I don’t think anyone else should either.  I know the majority of us think that Casey literally got away with murder.  And not only that, but her victim was an adorably sweet little girl named Caylee that the entire nation seemed to fall in love with. There’s nothing anyone can do about it though. It is what it is, and much like the OJ Simpson trial, we just need to move on and not continue to give Casey the attention we suspect she craves.

The bottom line is that again somehow the focus has gotten off of Caylee and back onto Casey. In all these news shows I’m watching tonight, I’ve only heard the word “Caylee” mentioned a handful of times. That’s sad.